An aggregated feed of my writing, doodling, etc.

Month: November 2016

You Can Buy the Product or Be the Product

November 21, 2016. I once heard Leo Laporte say in the course of one of his podcasts netcasts that if you use a service and can’t tell someone what that service’s product is (in regard to making money), you, the user, are the product. As I think that through, there is a lot of truth in that. […]

Major Failure #1

Well, here’s the first of the “I’ve got nothing to write” posts. The past week was fairly slow in tech news and highly political which isn’t an arena I’m interested in entering. So, for now, I’ve got nothing. Sorry folks.

Is Digital Security a Myth?

I have a co-worker who has made the point that you never say “The building (or network) is secure.” You say “The building appears secure.” His years of experience in security and I.T. have taught him well. I’ve spent the past week pondering to what extent true digital security exists. We experience varying levels of […]